A natural blend of sensory flavoring additives, rich in tannins which is specifically developed for cattle nutrition. Tannins are poly phenolic compounds, also called as protein protectants and are added in animal feed to save feed proteins from ruminal degradation. Tannins attach with the proteins, this (tannin + protein) bonding is strong and pH dependent. Dietary tannins exert beneficial effects on the health, growth & production of Ruminants by improving salivation, increasing feed intake Saving protein from ruminal degradation, balancing microflora ecosystem, enhancing intestinal Amino Acid availability, and reducing bloat & diarrhoea incidents.
The DMI increased to 4% and the Milk Yield improved to 3% ByPro.
Amino Acid availability comparison using BPR and negative control group. The increase in the amino-acids availability specifically of Histidine, Threonine, Leucine, Lysine & Methionine in the intestine demonstrates an improvement of animal production performances. Control Silvafeed Milk Urea & Blood Urea Nitrogen comparison in BPR & control group ByPro Control Silvafeed Use of BPR causes the reduction of MUN (7%) & BUN (12%) that aids to improve the reproductive efficiency, embryo viability & immune functions of the herd.
Dosage & Administration: Silvafeed ByPro should be mixed well in feed before administration. The recommended daily dose for adult cow ranges from 10 – 15 gm per day. Daily dosage can be adjusted as per advice of a veterinarian.